Out of Control
Where do I begin? What a whirlwind the past couple of weeks has been - the growing number of COVID-19 cases, the school closings, the working from home, the economic uncertainty for small business owners, the empty store shelves, the restaurant & bar shutdowns, the sudden pause in cashflow, the mandate for isolation, the well-being of essential personnel, anxious thoughts and lonely feelings.
Everything for most of us feels out of our control. And honestly, most things are right now. But in times where I feel like things are out of control, I lean into things that I can control - my work from home to do list, my daughter's homeschool schedule, my Spotify playlists, my Netflix rotation, my house projects, my comfy but work-appropriate outfits for virtual meetings, my journal pages, my daily meals, my social media pages, my hair and makeup experiments, my call log, my reading list and podcast queue. Even in typing this list I realize that the more I fix my eyes on that which I do have control over, the things that I do not have the control over seem to lose a little bit of their power.
I encourage you to make your list. Write out the things that are in your control right now. The big things and the small things. The hard things and the easy things. The fun things and the mundane things. Spend some time silencing the noise and writing these things down this weekend. Make a commitment to lean fully into these things next week.
Our lives, even in this time of uncertainty, are filled with so much purpose, power and possibility. And you, my friend, are too. I believe in you.
If you are free today for lunch at 12pm EST, tune intoour Instagram Live session"Questions While Quarantined" with the creators ofThe Layered Living Planner. Tanisha and I will be answering your questions and sharing how this crisis has shaken up our layered lives. Let us bring a little joy to a week that has been more than most of us can put into words. Don't meet us there. Beat us there. - Brittani H.